Saturday, March 22, 2008

Why Texas DPS Can Suck It

Back in the middle of January, about a week after being FIRED (an entirely different, crazy story that I have not yet posted), Clint got pulled over in Lee county right outside of Giddings by a DPS officer (important later). I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say that he was planning on showing up for court, esp. since he had nothing better to do... His court date happened to be my birthday... Mama=Not Happy. But, by some miraculous happening, his court date got pushed off. Not once, not twice, but THREE times. The third time, he found out that he was not even being placed on the docket, as Lee County happened to have misplaced his paperwork. Hallelujah! Or so we thought.

Then, last Tuesday, we get a notice in the mail from DPS about the suspension of Clint's driver's license (meaning, most likely, a corresponding warrant for his arrest) for a failure to appear in court on...February 7th. What? This means that if Clint gets pulled over again, he goes to jail. For a while. I believe that his new job might not be understanding about that...

So Clint calls Lee County to try and figure out what the eff is going on...And (through a long process of too many questions and curse words) discovers that DPS has issued the warrant/suspension for failure to appear without notice from Lee County. See, the way this is supposed to work is that Lee County has to contact DPS and tell them that he didn't appear...Which they DIDN'T DO because he hadn't had a COURT DATE YET. DPS simply pulled the original court date off of Clint's ticket, since the case hadn't been resolved, yet, ASSUMING that he just hadn't shown up... Apparently in this case, assuming makes and ASS out of DPS and a CRIMINAL out of my husband. Nice trade off.

Though I haven't posted about the first time, yet, this is the second time in less than a year that DPS had tried to make a criminal out of a good person, that person being my husband, and excuse me if I take that A BIT PERSONALLY.

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