Monday, June 9, 2008

The Emergency Zit

Clint woke up Saturday morning with a red welt and a little sore on his arm, and thought that maybe it was a spider bite. Throughout the day, the spot spread and got larger and more painful (to the point where it hurt to even move his arm), and by Saturday night, it was a red spot about the size of a baseball, with a sore about the size of half a dime (but round). By Sunday, the redness and swelling had spread further, and he was running a fever, though he said it didn't hurt as much. I was starting to believe that if this was, indeed, a spider bite, then he might need some medical attention. This morning, before I left for work, it appeared that his fever had broken, but when I spoke to him at 9:30, he said it didn't really feel better and had spread further (by now, the red 'spot' wrapped almost completely around his arm). At 2:00, he called to tell me he was going to the hospital. Apparently, the guys at work have more sway than I do (or, at least, scary spider bite stories).

(WARNING-this next part is groooooss)

So, Clint went to the hospital and told the doc he thought it was a spider bite. The doctor took one look at it and said 'Nope. Abscessed hair follicle.' Then he proceeded to give Clint a Lidocaine shot and tell him 'This is gonna hurt a lot.' Then he CUT A ONE INCH SLICE into his forearm, squeezed the dickens out of it, and drained puss about the volume of a golf ball from Clint's forearm. G.R.O.S.S. Then he packed it, dressed it, and charged us $1200.

The end.


Darby said...


Darby said...

Wow, I hope all goes well and Clint gets well soon.