Saturday, May 31, 2008

They're Alive!

My tomato plants are still alive! About a month and a half ago, I acquired 2 tomato plants that I placed in pots near my front porch...and I haven't killed them! This is really good news, considering I've killed every other plant I've tried to grow since I became an adult, living on my own. That really only amounts to 2 miniature live Christmas trees, which I think died mostly because I just didn't really care that much (I don't like the idea of the tradition of killing trees, but I don't really like pine trees enough to want to grow one...might need to reconsider family Christmas tree traditions, but that's a different blog post).

Anyway, so...not only have I managed to keep my little tomato plants alive, but they've grown, put on buds, AND! AND! today I noticed that one has a little baby tomato! Yay! Cherry tomatoes coming soon to a front porch near you! And more hope for a garden...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Afterall, You're My Wonderwall...

Cause, maybe, you're (tomorrow) gonna be the one (day) that saves me...

Opportunities tomorrow. That's with an 's.' Definitely looking forward.

In other news, it's been a good coupla days. Max and I went out to visit my parents and brought home LOTS of veggies and a slight sunburn on Mom. Then I got ever-so-slightly sunburned again today, shooting some promotional video for work (the contracting). It's been fun. I hope it gets to stay fun.

Good stuff around the bend. I can feel it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I just spent $40 to fill up my Toyota Echo.... That's more than I paid to fill up my Ford F150 in high school. Feeling a bit nauseous.

Monday, May 19, 2008


That I needn't go do something...that I could continue wasting time drinking wine and perusing the Interwebs instead.... Le Sigh. Always something more to be done.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

Now THAT'S What I'm Talking About!

A lovely Mother's Day weekend. Despite the fact that Max came home sick on Friday (and is still home sick today) and much screaming ensued...

We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Oh! Farmers market, how I love thee! Let me count the ways: peaches, carrots, broccoli, spring onions, blackberries, homestead cheese, milk, baguette, ciabatta rolls, greenhouse tomatoes, Jess & Gilbert, Jeremiah & Meredith, and so much more...

And, I now officially have a back yard! That's right! It's no longer an over-grown trash heap! Happy Day! We got out there and cleaned all the JUNK that the former residents left (well, it's not really gone...we have to get a haulable dumpster for that) and mowed the knee-deep grass (Clint did that part). I never understood people who used their backyards as trash heaps...I mean people! I am talking about tires, a broken lawn mower, a broken wheel barrow, an old bath tub, windows worth of broken glass, hardened bags of cement, sheet metal, limestone, coke cans, beer cans, old boxes, wrappers...and then the old fence that we tore down. It was enough to drive a person (and 2 doggies) mad. But now you can actually walk back there, and play, and we can plant a garden, and...oh, the possibilities! But there is still lots of work to do...bamboo that must DIE, an entire side yard of trash that must go, raking, more trash collection, garden digging, chicken pen creating, and killing of fleas and ants...the work is never done.

And, after all that loveliness...this morning, my car won't start. Not a click, not a beep, nothin'. The battery we just replaced 2 weeks ago is utterly and completely dead. Clint had to take my car to O'Rielly's to test the alternator (which was bad, and draining the battery), which means I had to miss my first day of my contracting gig and we got to spend MORE money on my car. Thank GOD for Google small business apps...I was actually able to work a bit from home!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Well, it is definitely flip-flop weather in Texas. While most of the country is still enjoying that blink of a season known as Spring (and some are actually still trying to get to that point), it is officially Summer here. I declare this because it is currently 91. The forecast for tomorrow is 95. I would like to remind you that it isn't even mid-May. It's going to be a beastly 5-6 months.

I would also like to remind you that, up until today, our house has been un-air conditioned. But-JOY OF JOYS-this morning we made a trip to The Home Depot and bought ourselves a couple of window units. Not ideal, that is unless you've ever come home with a cranky toddler to a 90 degree house at 4:00 in the afternoon... I'm sitting in the office right now, typing this, and it is like a little slice of heaven. With ice cream on top. Especially since it's 87 in the rest of the house! I foresee a salad for dinner...

Best Mother's Day Gift Ever! And also, the first time I think I've ever wanted to THANK G.W.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Day

Stimulus Money? CHECK
Contracting Gig? CHECK
Sunshine, fresh air, and hiking? CHECK, CHECK, CHECK


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh Noes!

humorous pictures

I thinks Iz 'ddicted to Icanhascheezburger...


It's amazing, really, what creatures of habit we are... I have only been home during the day for 2 weeks, and we have fallen comfortably into a new daily routine. Max is waking later and knows that I should be at his school earlier to pick him up. He knows that we come home and see Papa during his lunch, and Clint has been coming home daily to see us. And even though I know that this won't last long, I get upset when the routine changes-like when Clint opts not to come home during his lunch. It's nice seeing so much of my boys during the day, and spending this brief moment of time together.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Not for Godot or even for Guffman...but for interviews & responses to resumes. For Jobs & checks. To find out what (if any) *extra* money we might have for things like air conditioning and house leveling and a bike (once considered a luxury item, now considered a necessity in able to afford GAS...). Anxious waiting punctuated by plotting and planning and wishin' and hopin' and prayin' and....