Friday, May 9, 2008


Well, it is definitely flip-flop weather in Texas. While most of the country is still enjoying that blink of a season known as Spring (and some are actually still trying to get to that point), it is officially Summer here. I declare this because it is currently 91. The forecast for tomorrow is 95. I would like to remind you that it isn't even mid-May. It's going to be a beastly 5-6 months.

I would also like to remind you that, up until today, our house has been un-air conditioned. But-JOY OF JOYS-this morning we made a trip to The Home Depot and bought ourselves a couple of window units. Not ideal, that is unless you've ever come home with a cranky toddler to a 90 degree house at 4:00 in the afternoon... I'm sitting in the office right now, typing this, and it is like a little slice of heaven. With ice cream on top. Especially since it's 87 in the rest of the house! I foresee a salad for dinner...

Best Mother's Day Gift Ever! And also, the first time I think I've ever wanted to THANK G.W.

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