Saturday, May 31, 2008

They're Alive!

My tomato plants are still alive! About a month and a half ago, I acquired 2 tomato plants that I placed in pots near my front porch...and I haven't killed them! This is really good news, considering I've killed every other plant I've tried to grow since I became an adult, living on my own. That really only amounts to 2 miniature live Christmas trees, which I think died mostly because I just didn't really care that much (I don't like the idea of the tradition of killing trees, but I don't really like pine trees enough to want to grow one...might need to reconsider family Christmas tree traditions, but that's a different blog post).

Anyway, so...not only have I managed to keep my little tomato plants alive, but they've grown, put on buds, AND! AND! today I noticed that one has a little baby tomato! Yay! Cherry tomatoes coming soon to a front porch near you! And more hope for a garden...

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