My poor neglected blog... There are lots of excuses for why I temporarily abandoned this space, but I'm back. In case anyone else is still here...
This post, and 2009, have been a long time coming. Words cannot describe the elation I feel at the pending end to the worst year of my life. I won't go into all the craptastic events of the last year, because I am choosing to focus on the potential good that is to come. I know the simple ending of one year and beginning of next doesn't equate to a turn in luck/karma/fate/whathaveyou, but there is something cathartic about giving a big "Screw You!" to 2008. Though you tried, you did not defeat me!
And the best part is that Clint and I will actually get to spend New Year's together for the first time since we've been married. Yes, somehow we have managed to be apart every year on the same night for four years. Don't ask me how. But, my parents are taking the kiddo for a blissful 3 nights. It'll be like a little mini-vacay and I am totally sleeping in. Take that, '08.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Housing for the Poor
This is a great idea... one that Clint has actually been working on for a while. While I'm sad that this story isn't about him, I'm glad someone is doing it. This idea is completely viable, and an important step towards not only housing, but building community amongst the world's poor:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Magical Laughter
I was in the shower yesterday when I heard peals of laughter coming from both of my boys in the next room. It is a magical sound that I hear often in our house, but every time I stop and just listen. This sound makes my heart swell to the point that I think it must have stopped beating, and just might explode.
Max's laughter is a sound worth living for... It is a joyous, uninhibited laughter that comes straight from his soul and spreads light into the world. A child's laughter is pure joy. They do not yet have the knocks of life to weigh on them and creep into their happiness. Children have the pleasure of a limited understanding of time; they don't think to worry about the past or the future. Their joy is magic because all they know is to enjoy this moment, now, as it is. It's a lesson we, as adults, need to relearn.
But Clint's uninhibited, head-thrown-back laughter is what really tugs on my heart. It was not very long ago that I was unsure I would ever again hear the raucous laugh that I fell in love with many years ago, as I heard it echo across the grounds of summer camp (when we were, ourselves, children). More than most people, Clint is weighed down by the burdens of life. He has been through depressions so deep that it is a struggle just to make it through this day and into the next-let alone to notice or see the beauty or joy in life. I have been through those times with him-and we have made it through, barely. To be in a place right now, despite everything of the past 2 years, where he can laugh, is nothing short of a miracle to me. Max's laughter is the magic that makes life worth living-and laughing.
Max's laughter is a sound worth living for... It is a joyous, uninhibited laughter that comes straight from his soul and spreads light into the world. A child's laughter is pure joy. They do not yet have the knocks of life to weigh on them and creep into their happiness. Children have the pleasure of a limited understanding of time; they don't think to worry about the past or the future. Their joy is magic because all they know is to enjoy this moment, now, as it is. It's a lesson we, as adults, need to relearn.
But Clint's uninhibited, head-thrown-back laughter is what really tugs on my heart. It was not very long ago that I was unsure I would ever again hear the raucous laugh that I fell in love with many years ago, as I heard it echo across the grounds of summer camp (when we were, ourselves, children). More than most people, Clint is weighed down by the burdens of life. He has been through depressions so deep that it is a struggle just to make it through this day and into the next-let alone to notice or see the beauty or joy in life. I have been through those times with him-and we have made it through, barely. To be in a place right now, despite everything of the past 2 years, where he can laugh, is nothing short of a miracle to me. Max's laughter is the magic that makes life worth living-and laughing.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3 Seconds
One of my very favorite bloggers, Heather Armstrong, writes the blog Dooce. I love to read Dooce for several reasons-because she is side-splittingly funny, irreverent, intelligent, and painfully honest. Heather has been blogging since before anyone knew what a 'blog' was, and she has become the epitome of blogger success, despite (or in spite of?) losing her job over her posts. And Heather doesn't sugar-coat life. She suffers from depression and honestly writes about how it effects her, her family, and their everyday life. And, being married to an oft-depressed non-communicative male, what she writes has helped me to understand some of what Clint goes through. I got to meet her at this year's SXSW, and I managed to not make a complete fool of myself.
Yesterday, Heather posted about her 6 year anniversary. Not something that would normally inspire commentary from me, despite the fact that I am a total sap. But in this post, she chronicled some of the really difficult stuff they have gone through over the last 6 years. And, not that I would evr wish any of the stuff that we have gone through (or are going to go through) on someone else, but it's nice to know that we aren't the only ones getting shit on by the universe. The post focuses on something her friend told her, that "No matter what horrible thing you're going through, when it's all over it only takes three seconds to sum it up. Remember that." And that helps. A little. It provides some perspective to some situations that are currently very life-consuming. It would be nice if it only took 3 seconds to live it, and 3 seconds to heal from it.... But I suppose that wouldn't build much 'character.'
She also mentioned that this was in the context of a conversation she was having with a friend about how their 30s are so much better than their 20s. Now, this is something I keep hearing, over and over. And all I can say is THANK GOD. Only 4 1/2 more years...
Yesterday, Heather posted about her 6 year anniversary. Not something that would normally inspire commentary from me, despite the fact that I am a total sap. But in this post, she chronicled some of the really difficult stuff they have gone through over the last 6 years. And, not that I would evr wish any of the stuff that we have gone through (or are going to go through) on someone else, but it's nice to know that we aren't the only ones getting shit on by the universe. The post focuses on something her friend told her, that "No matter what horrible thing you're going through, when it's all over it only takes three seconds to sum it up. Remember that." And that helps. A little. It provides some perspective to some situations that are currently very life-consuming. It would be nice if it only took 3 seconds to live it, and 3 seconds to heal from it.... But I suppose that wouldn't build much 'character.'
She also mentioned that this was in the context of a conversation she was having with a friend about how their 30s are so much better than their 20s. Now, this is something I keep hearing, over and over. And all I can say is THANK GOD. Only 4 1/2 more years...
Monday, August 25, 2008
When I Grow Up...
For some reason, this theme keeps coming up... Maybe it's just the fact that every time I turn on the radio that DAMNED Pussycat Dolls songs is on. You know the one:
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
Wanna be a star
Wanna be in movies
When I grow up
Wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
Wanna have groupies
Am I weird, world? (er, maybe you shouldn't answer that...) Is it just me? When I was a kid, I never said to myself, 'you know what? I want to be RICH! and Famous! ' Not for the sake of simply being rich and famous... That's not to say I didn't have aspirations. I mean, when I was 8, I was going to pitch for the Yankees. Until I realized a) I can't throw a baseball and b) they don't let girls play baseball. But people. This was because I love baseball. Not because I wanted to someday pay cash for an $80,000 car.
I detest this song. And not simply because any piece of 'music' the Pussycat Dolls puts out manages to make my skin crawl. Mostly because, for me, it embodies many of the things that are so wrong with our society. We place worth on an individual literally based on their net value. How much are they worth? Not as a human. Not in their contribution to society or humanity. But in dollars. We have generations growing up, bowing down to the almighty dollar. They want to be rap stars or movie stars, or simply just rich. Why? Not because they are particularly gifted or passionate about these 'careers'. But because they live in a society that tells them that is what they should want.
Don't believe me?
Ask a teacher how much they made last year.
Now ask a high school student if they would consider being a teacher if it meant they might make that much money for the rest of their lives.
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
Wanna be a star
Wanna be in movies
When I grow up
Wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
Wanna have groupies
Am I weird, world? (er, maybe you shouldn't answer that...) Is it just me? When I was a kid, I never said to myself, 'you know what? I want to be RICH! and Famous! ' Not for the sake of simply being rich and famous... That's not to say I didn't have aspirations. I mean, when I was 8, I was going to pitch for the Yankees. Until I realized a) I can't throw a baseball and b) they don't let girls play baseball. But people. This was because I love baseball. Not because I wanted to someday pay cash for an $80,000 car.
I detest this song. And not simply because any piece of 'music' the Pussycat Dolls puts out manages to make my skin crawl. Mostly because, for me, it embodies many of the things that are so wrong with our society. We place worth on an individual literally based on their net value. How much are they worth? Not as a human. Not in their contribution to society or humanity. But in dollars. We have generations growing up, bowing down to the almighty dollar. They want to be rap stars or movie stars, or simply just rich. Why? Not because they are particularly gifted or passionate about these 'careers'. But because they live in a society that tells them that is what they should want.
Don't believe me?
Ask a teacher how much they made last year.
Now ask a high school student if they would consider being a teacher if it meant they might make that much money for the rest of their lives.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I want to go back to when numbers didn't really mean anything... Back when $100 was a lot of money and 5 lbs seemed like no big deal. Of course, everything is situational-$100 in my pocket seems like nothing, but $100 being paid out is a fortune! Anyway, life was simpler then. Not in actuality, but in my understanding of it, which is really the most important part.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Random Musings
A few random thoughts I have floating around in my head (and don't feel like separating into individual posts)...
Blogging on a Saturday Night
Yes, I am sitting at home, blogging on a Saturday night. I'd like to say that my life has 'slowed down' since having a child, and to some extent it has, but let's face it...I can probably count the number of truly 'wild' Saturday nights I've had on both hands. I'm not much on crowds, people, and hassle, and so I'd much rather have a relaxing evening to myself to read, write, or contemplate. I think I'll go read a magazine, next...
Last summer, I thought if I never saw another raindrop, it would be too soon (though, I did enjoy the cooler temps they brought). Ha! What a difference a year can make. It is really, seriously raining for the first time in a ridiculously long time right now, and I'm almost happy enough to cry about it. Srsly.
My Mommy Loves Me
Saw my Mom today (Dad was busy playing tennis). We had lunch and she loved on Max and brought be lots of goodies. More pickles (are you reading my blog, Mom?), salsa, canned black-eyed peas, canned green beans, fresh cucumbers, fresh cherry tomatoes, and more onions. This woman knows how to keep me happy.
Healthcare in This Country is Atrocious
A political rant...I just saw a prescription of Clint's sitting on the desk. We can't fill it, because to take this particular medication would require him to have regular blood work done. Same for lithium, which we would prefer him take, as the stuff he's on has some major side-effects. But he doesn't have health insurance, so we can't afford the blood work. But, if he DID have health insurance, we couldn't afford his current meds, which we get for free through a patient assistance program for people who don't have health insurance (no generic available). And on top of that, his health insurance wouldn't cover his mental health for 12 months, anyway (not that most health insurance has much in the way of mental health coverage to begin with-thinking about starting to lobby for this one), because it is a pre-existing condition. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. We are one of teh richest nations in the world, and a significant portion of our population doesn't have health insurance, because they can't afford it. Our politicians should be ashamed.
Ok, now I think I will go read that magazine...
Blogging on a Saturday Night
Yes, I am sitting at home, blogging on a Saturday night. I'd like to say that my life has 'slowed down' since having a child, and to some extent it has, but let's face it...I can probably count the number of truly 'wild' Saturday nights I've had on both hands. I'm not much on crowds, people, and hassle, and so I'd much rather have a relaxing evening to myself to read, write, or contemplate. I think I'll go read a magazine, next...
Last summer, I thought if I never saw another raindrop, it would be too soon (though, I did enjoy the cooler temps they brought). Ha! What a difference a year can make. It is really, seriously raining for the first time in a ridiculously long time right now, and I'm almost happy enough to cry about it. Srsly.
My Mommy Loves Me
Saw my Mom today (Dad was busy playing tennis). We had lunch and she loved on Max and brought be lots of goodies. More pickles (are you reading my blog, Mom?), salsa, canned black-eyed peas, canned green beans, fresh cucumbers, fresh cherry tomatoes, and more onions. This woman knows how to keep me happy.
Healthcare in This Country is Atrocious
A political rant...I just saw a prescription of Clint's sitting on the desk. We can't fill it, because to take this particular medication would require him to have regular blood work done. Same for lithium, which we would prefer him take, as the stuff he's on has some major side-effects. But he doesn't have health insurance, so we can't afford the blood work. But, if he DID have health insurance, we couldn't afford his current meds, which we get for free through a patient assistance program for people who don't have health insurance (no generic available). And on top of that, his health insurance wouldn't cover his mental health for 12 months, anyway (not that most health insurance has much in the way of mental health coverage to begin with-thinking about starting to lobby for this one), because it is a pre-existing condition. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. We are one of teh richest nations in the world, and a significant portion of our population doesn't have health insurance, because they can't afford it. Our politicians should be ashamed.
Ok, now I think I will go read that magazine...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Holding Pattern
Life seems to be in a holding pattern, right now, which I think is bad for me. I know I shouldn't invent problems, but I can't help but think that we are just waiting for the next round of Impending Doom. I don't think it would feel so ominous, except that we have several large, dark, lingering clouds over our heads.
One being the investigation into Clint's accident, which still has not been closed (or, more accurately, that we have not been notified has been closed). Since the accident is (rightly) being investigated as an accident, his name has not been released to anyone-including the family of the man Clint hit. We won't know whether or not Clint is being sued until the case has been closed and his name has been released into public record.
We are also trying to refinance our house. I know, great timing, especially when you have less-than-stellar credit (guilty). Unfortunately, our luck seems to work that way, and we don't have much of a choice. If we don't refi, we have to come up with a balloon payment by January-which means selling the house. We signed up for this crappy deal about a year ago, just in time for the mortgage meltdown and before anyone knew exactly how bad the credit crisis was going to get...Awesome.
And Clint is desperately looking for a new job. He has still got one, but the gaming call center is sucking the life out of us. I hate to see him miserable, and hate even more that he has to work a job that is bad for him and bad for our family. But it helps pay the bills. It's really stressful on us to have him working evenings. We hardly see each other, the only 'me' time I get is stuck in the house (I want to spend the weekends with my boys together!), and he only gets to see Max on the weekends, which is really hard on both of them.
We still have not received a bill from Clint's hospital stay, other than the ER docs...
All of this will resolve, one way or another, but the ambiguity of it all is slowly driving me mad.
One being the investigation into Clint's accident, which still has not been closed (or, more accurately, that we have not been notified has been closed). Since the accident is (rightly) being investigated as an accident, his name has not been released to anyone-including the family of the man Clint hit. We won't know whether or not Clint is being sued until the case has been closed and his name has been released into public record.
We are also trying to refinance our house. I know, great timing, especially when you have less-than-stellar credit (guilty). Unfortunately, our luck seems to work that way, and we don't have much of a choice. If we don't refi, we have to come up with a balloon payment by January-which means selling the house. We signed up for this crappy deal about a year ago, just in time for the mortgage meltdown and before anyone knew exactly how bad the credit crisis was going to get...Awesome.
And Clint is desperately looking for a new job. He has still got one, but the gaming call center is sucking the life out of us. I hate to see him miserable, and hate even more that he has to work a job that is bad for him and bad for our family. But it helps pay the bills. It's really stressful on us to have him working evenings. We hardly see each other, the only 'me' time I get is stuck in the house (I want to spend the weekends with my boys together!), and he only gets to see Max on the weekends, which is really hard on both of them.
We still have not received a bill from Clint's hospital stay, other than the ER docs...
All of this will resolve, one way or another, but the ambiguity of it all is slowly driving me mad.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Austin Exodus
Ok, so maybe 'exodus' is a strong word, but it sure seems like there are a lot of people I know leaving right now, either moving or leaving town for an extended period. Don & Emily went to Vermont for the summer. Ian has been in Alaska all summer salmon fishing and now Kristin & Ian are moving to Portland (traitors...). Mark, the pastor who married us, and his family are moving. Trish has been trying to leave to go work somewhere cooler on temporary contracts for months.
Austin is a very transient city, with the University and tech communities. The average length of time an Austinite has lived here is only 3 years (man do I blow that one out of the water). But I think this is the first time I've experienced so many dear people left or leaving. And I just can't imagine leaving here. Ok, maybe when we've had 44 days over 100 degrees I can kindof start to see why... But we left once. And we came back. Austin, I love thee. keep up with the 'leavers' I have started a Twitter account. So you can know what I am doing with every moment of my everyday (I think Twitter is just proof of society's Internet Addiction). Well, maybe I didn't start the account because of you leaving, but it sounds better than 'I succombed to the social-networking peer pressure,' no?
Anyway, you can now follow my inanity at Have fun.
Austin is a very transient city, with the University and tech communities. The average length of time an Austinite has lived here is only 3 years (man do I blow that one out of the water). But I think this is the first time I've experienced so many dear people left or leaving. And I just can't imagine leaving here. Ok, maybe when we've had 44 days over 100 degrees I can kindof start to see why... But we left once. And we came back. Austin, I love thee. keep up with the 'leavers' I have started a Twitter account. So you can know what I am doing with every moment of my everyday (I think Twitter is just proof of society's Internet Addiction). Well, maybe I didn't start the account because of you leaving, but it sounds better than 'I succombed to the social-networking peer pressure,' no?
Anyway, you can now follow my inanity at Have fun.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Busy Weekend
The food processor has seen some action this weekend! Yesterday, I made pico de gallo and basil pesto. And today, I made hummus for the first time.
I have to use the food processor for the pico, because Clint is very picky about textures, and is not a fan of 'chunks.' And I have been on a pesto kick since there has been woderful fresh basil at Boggy Creek Farm!
I found the hummus recipe in one of my very favorite, go-to cookbooks, simply titled Vegetarian. I bought this book on a whim about 4 years ago while wondering through a Barnes & Noble bookstore after my self-professed 'meater' (short for meat-eater...get it? That Clint is a clever one) husband declared that he was going to be a vegetarian. It was cheap, thorough, and the pictures are lovely. And I am so glad that I bought it...every time I open this cookbook, I find scores of recipes I want to cook NOW. Clint's vegetarianism didn't make it to the 6 month mark, but this book has many recipes that are still loved and will continue to be for years to come.
Also, we became chicken owners this weekend...Clint has been dying to own chickens for a while, now, and he finally built the chicken coop this weekend. He also lost his mind and bought 4 adult if anyone needs eggs, we should have more than we can eat, soon!
I have to use the food processor for the pico, because Clint is very picky about textures, and is not a fan of 'chunks.' And I have been on a pesto kick since there has been woderful fresh basil at Boggy Creek Farm!
I found the hummus recipe in one of my very favorite, go-to cookbooks, simply titled Vegetarian. I bought this book on a whim about 4 years ago while wondering through a Barnes & Noble bookstore after my self-professed 'meater' (short for meat-eater...get it? That Clint is a clever one) husband declared that he was going to be a vegetarian. It was cheap, thorough, and the pictures are lovely. And I am so glad that I bought it...every time I open this cookbook, I find scores of recipes I want to cook NOW. Clint's vegetarianism didn't make it to the 6 month mark, but this book has many recipes that are still loved and will continue to be for years to come.
Also, we became chicken owners this weekend...Clint has been dying to own chickens for a while, now, and he finally built the chicken coop this weekend. He also lost his mind and bought 4 adult if anyone needs eggs, we should have more than we can eat, soon!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Some people ask for money...
Mother Dearest,
I am out of pickles; please send more.
Your Loving Daughter
I am out of pickles; please send more.
Your Loving Daughter
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Stroke of Insight
This is one of the more incredible and inspiring speeches I have seen. The hope that this woman derives from what most would consider to be a devastating life-altering experience made me cry...and lends to me the hope to view my own experiences in a more positive light.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Let Me Tell Ya
The list of things in this world that I love more than Fredericksburg peaches is short. Very Short. I know that Heaven will be chock-full of their sweet juiciness, with the fuzz already washed off. Despite the fact that peaches tend to make my lips and face itch & swell, I will not stop eating them. And if I ever happen to go into anaphylactic shock while eating a Fredericksburg peach, I would die (or come close to it) happy. Between Fredericksburg peaches and chocolate? The peaches win, hands down, every time, no questions asked. And if you can't get them where ever it is you happen to be, they are worth the pilgrimage.
And so it was that the family made a pilgrimage this weekend. Actually, the plan was to go see my parents, but I warned Clint before we left that the was NO WAY IN HELL that I would drive through Fredericksburg and not stop for peaches. So, I got my peaches. And they are everything I have dreamt about for months, and more.
Also in the top 4 reasons to go to see my parents? The Bounty. Mom and Dad now have the garden of their dreams out in Mason, and it often produces more than they can eat (as a well-tended garden often will do). This weekend we brought back cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, more yellow squash than I can possibly eat (Clint won't...squash, anyone?), green beans, onions, a cantaloupe (for Max, as Clint and I agree in our distaste for this), and homemade pickles. I can already tell that the 2 jars of pickles is not even close to enough...I'm sitting here eating some, now! I foresee lots of yummy vegetable cooking this week...
And so it was that the family made a pilgrimage this weekend. Actually, the plan was to go see my parents, but I warned Clint before we left that the was NO WAY IN HELL that I would drive through Fredericksburg and not stop for peaches. So, I got my peaches. And they are everything I have dreamt about for months, and more.
Also in the top 4 reasons to go to see my parents? The Bounty. Mom and Dad now have the garden of their dreams out in Mason, and it often produces more than they can eat (as a well-tended garden often will do). This weekend we brought back cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, more yellow squash than I can possibly eat (Clint won't...squash, anyone?), green beans, onions, a cantaloupe (for Max, as Clint and I agree in our distaste for this), and homemade pickles. I can already tell that the 2 jars of pickles is not even close to enough...I'm sitting here eating some, now! I foresee lots of yummy vegetable cooking this week...
Monday, July 14, 2008
I Can't Hear You
Trying to distract myself from the fact that red wine and ice cream are definitely NOT going to help me lose that extra 10(+) pounds that I want to lose by...what else? drinking red wine and eating ice cream. Some of you stronger willed people out there might call it hopeless. I call it delicious.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Confession.
I have a confession to make.
I love food.
I love everything about food.
I love growing it. I love cooking it. I love eating it. I love talking about it. Comparing recipes. Trying new foods (both cooking and eating). I love nutrition and the way that food nourishes the body. I love the psychology of it and the way that food nourishes the soul. I love the politics of food, and trying to eat in a manner that can make the planet a better place. I love the history of food and the way that different cultures traditionally prepare food. I love the communal aspect of food-growing, cooking, eating, and enjoying.
I would almost always rather spend money on food than stuff. I simply figure that you HAVE to eat to survive-there really is no other option-so why not thoroughly enjoy it? I really enjoy going to the grocery store, but it can make my day to go to a farmer's market (or farm, or farm stand). Today I got to go to Boggy Creek Farm (picture, above from their website), the grocery store, AND I made pesto. I don't think anything could wipe the smile off my face.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I lied.
I have been taken aback by people's generosity over the last few weeks, and was blown away again, today. This includes people we don't even know... Not that it is my faith in humanity that has been shaken, but you have all confirmed what I knew to be true. Thank you.
Now if we can just do something about this curse/karma/luck/whathaveyou....
Now if we can just do something about this curse/karma/luck/whathaveyou....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Taking a Break
I'm having a hard time coming up with anything positive to say, which, despite my normally snarky commentary, really bothers me. Life has thrown us many a curve ball over the last year (prompting the creative of this blog to begin with), but lately it has become beyond ridiculous. I'll be back once I've got a firmer grip on reality. If such a thing is in my future.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
And the Bullshit continues...
I am really, seriously, starting to fear where this downward spiral we call 'life' around here is going. I wish I were kidding or being sarcastic right now, but I'm not. Clint just called me. He hit someone on his bike going about 40 on hos way home from work. There's a crime scene unit on their way out. The guy wasn't breathing. Clint's bike is destroyed. I don't know details. This is his 3rd day on the new bike.
I'm done. I don't know what that means right now, but I have just about had it with whatever 'it' happens to be. Apparently, life can't handle the fact that I am a happy person and is bound and determined to beat it out of me. It's winning.
I'm done. I don't know what that means right now, but I have just about had it with whatever 'it' happens to be. Apparently, life can't handle the fact that I am a happy person and is bound and determined to beat it out of me. It's winning.
Priorities Intact
here i sit, my life's a model kit
but i burned the instructions and the pieces don't fit
i eat spaghetti o's, turn on the stereo
and keep in mind my best case scenario
i'm without serious doubt, i'm within my constraints
and it just clicked, the things that make me tick
get thrown against the wall and i keep what sticks
i wish with all my might that i had a cause to fight
but i can't argue with myself on this lonesome night
i can't complain. lost less than gained
strive for progression
my futile needs are all i feed
it gives me indigestion
-Austin's own The Impossibles
but i burned the instructions and the pieces don't fit
i eat spaghetti o's, turn on the stereo
and keep in mind my best case scenario
i'm without serious doubt, i'm within my constraints
and it just clicked, the things that make me tick
get thrown against the wall and i keep what sticks
i wish with all my might that i had a cause to fight
but i can't argue with myself on this lonesome night
i can't complain. lost less than gained
strive for progression
my futile needs are all i feed
it gives me indigestion
-Austin's own The Impossibles
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Meaning Well...
I have been meaning to post recently, but after our stint in the hospital (the infection got WAY worse, for those who haven't heard), I've been kinda in the dumps. It doesn't help that Clint has been home in the evenings (ie:on the computer), so I can't really post. The combination of the two has just killed any writing that might have reared its little wordy head. And I'm trying hard not to whine, which is what usually tries to come out when I sit down at the keyboard. More when I'm less pissed-off at life. Soon, I hope.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Emergency Zit
Clint woke up Saturday morning with a red welt and a little sore on his arm, and thought that maybe it was a spider bite. Throughout the day, the spot spread and got larger and more painful (to the point where it hurt to even move his arm), and by Saturday night, it was a red spot about the size of a baseball, with a sore about the size of half a dime (but round). By Sunday, the redness and swelling had spread further, and he was running a fever, though he said it didn't hurt as much. I was starting to believe that if this was, indeed, a spider bite, then he might need some medical attention. This morning, before I left for work, it appeared that his fever had broken, but when I spoke to him at 9:30, he said it didn't really feel better and had spread further (by now, the red 'spot' wrapped almost completely around his arm). At 2:00, he called to tell me he was going to the hospital. Apparently, the guys at work have more sway than I do (or, at least, scary spider bite stories).
(WARNING-this next part is groooooss)
So, Clint went to the hospital and told the doc he thought it was a spider bite. The doctor took one look at it and said 'Nope. Abscessed hair follicle.' Then he proceeded to give Clint a Lidocaine shot and tell him 'This is gonna hurt a lot.' Then he CUT A ONE INCH SLICE into his forearm, squeezed the dickens out of it, and drained puss about the volume of a golf ball from Clint's forearm. G.R.O.S.S. Then he packed it, dressed it, and charged us $1200.
The end.
(WARNING-this next part is groooooss)
So, Clint went to the hospital and told the doc he thought it was a spider bite. The doctor took one look at it and said 'Nope. Abscessed hair follicle.' Then he proceeded to give Clint a Lidocaine shot and tell him 'This is gonna hurt a lot.' Then he CUT A ONE INCH SLICE into his forearm, squeezed the dickens out of it, and drained puss about the volume of a golf ball from Clint's forearm. G.R.O.S.S. Then he packed it, dressed it, and charged us $1200.
The end.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I'm sick. Again! We just got done having some sort of nasty, week-long sore-throat and achy thing go through the whole family (and then Clint's family, due to his brother coming to stay with us right in the middle). And now, I've got something similar. Sore throat, achy, fever. And Max just went through a bout of pink eye this weekend. And Clint got bit by a spider. All, literally, the day/weekend my health insurance expired. Awesome.
Tired. of. being. sick.
Tired. of. being. sick.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Contradictory Day
Yay for jobs!
Boo for cars that don't start...twice...
Yay for old friends moving back to town!
Boo for un-done laundry...two days in a row...
Yay for surprises for others...
Boo for bad rounds of golf (better luck next year, Jay)...
Boo for cars that don't start...twice...
Yay for old friends moving back to town!
Boo for un-done laundry...two days in a row...
Yay for surprises for others...
Boo for bad rounds of golf (better luck next year, Jay)...
Monday, June 2, 2008
That Time of Year...

Saturday, May 31, 2008
They're Alive!
My tomato plants are still alive! About a month and a half ago, I acquired 2 tomato plants that I placed in pots near my front porch...and I haven't killed them! This is really good news, considering I've killed every other plant I've tried to grow since I became an adult, living on my own. That really only amounts to 2 miniature live Christmas trees, which I think died mostly because I just didn't really care that much (I don't like the idea of the tradition of killing trees, but I don't really like pine trees enough to want to grow one...might need to reconsider family Christmas tree traditions, but that's a different blog post).
Anyway, so...not only have I managed to keep my little tomato plants alive, but they've grown, put on buds, AND! AND! today I noticed that one has a little baby tomato! Yay! Cherry tomatoes coming soon to a front porch near you! And more hope for a garden...
Anyway, so...not only have I managed to keep my little tomato plants alive, but they've grown, put on buds, AND! AND! today I noticed that one has a little baby tomato! Yay! Cherry tomatoes coming soon to a front porch near you! And more hope for a garden...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Afterall, You're My Wonderwall...
Cause, maybe, you're (tomorrow) gonna be the one (day) that saves me...
Opportunities tomorrow. That's with an 's.' Definitely looking forward.
In other news, it's been a good coupla days. Max and I went out to visit my parents and brought home LOTS of veggies and a slight sunburn on Mom. Then I got ever-so-slightly sunburned again today, shooting some promotional video for work (the contracting). It's been fun. I hope it gets to stay fun.
Good stuff around the bend. I can feel it.
Opportunities tomorrow. That's with an 's.' Definitely looking forward.
In other news, it's been a good coupla days. Max and I went out to visit my parents and brought home LOTS of veggies and a slight sunburn on Mom. Then I got ever-so-slightly sunburned again today, shooting some promotional video for work (the contracting). It's been fun. I hope it gets to stay fun.
Good stuff around the bend. I can feel it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I just spent $40 to fill up my Toyota Echo.... That's more than I paid to fill up my Ford F150 in high school. Feeling a bit nauseous.
Monday, May 19, 2008
That I needn't go do something...that I could continue wasting time drinking wine and perusing the Interwebs instead.... Le Sigh. Always something more to be done.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Now THAT'S What I'm Talking About!
A lovely Mother's Day weekend. Despite the fact that Max came home sick on Friday (and is still home sick today) and much screaming ensued...
We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Oh! Farmers market, how I love thee! Let me count the ways: peaches, carrots, broccoli, spring onions, blackberries, homestead cheese, milk, baguette, ciabatta rolls, greenhouse tomatoes, Jess & Gilbert, Jeremiah & Meredith, and so much more...
And, I now officially have a back yard! That's right! It's no longer an over-grown trash heap! Happy Day! We got out there and cleaned all the JUNK that the former residents left (well, it's not really gone...we have to get a haulable dumpster for that) and mowed the knee-deep grass (Clint did that part). I never understood people who used their backyards as trash heaps...I mean people! I am talking about tires, a broken lawn mower, a broken wheel barrow, an old bath tub, windows worth of broken glass, hardened bags of cement, sheet metal, limestone, coke cans, beer cans, old boxes, wrappers...and then the old fence that we tore down. It was enough to drive a person (and 2 doggies) mad. But now you can actually walk back there, and play, and we can plant a garden, and...oh, the possibilities! But there is still lots of work to do...bamboo that must DIE, an entire side yard of trash that must go, raking, more trash collection, garden digging, chicken pen creating, and killing of fleas and ants...the work is never done.
And, after all that loveliness...this morning, my car won't start. Not a click, not a beep, nothin'. The battery we just replaced 2 weeks ago is utterly and completely dead. Clint had to take my car to O'Rielly's to test the alternator (which was bad, and draining the battery), which means I had to miss my first day of my contracting gig and we got to spend MORE money on my car. Thank GOD for Google small business apps...I was actually able to work a bit from home!
We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Oh! Farmers market, how I love thee! Let me count the ways: peaches, carrots, broccoli, spring onions, blackberries, homestead cheese, milk, baguette, ciabatta rolls, greenhouse tomatoes, Jess & Gilbert, Jeremiah & Meredith, and so much more...
And, I now officially have a back yard! That's right! It's no longer an over-grown trash heap! Happy Day! We got out there and cleaned all the JUNK that the former residents left (well, it's not really gone...we have to get a haulable dumpster for that) and mowed the knee-deep grass (Clint did that part). I never understood people who used their backyards as trash heaps...I mean people! I am talking about tires, a broken lawn mower, a broken wheel barrow, an old bath tub, windows worth of broken glass, hardened bags of cement, sheet metal, limestone, coke cans, beer cans, old boxes, wrappers...and then the old fence that we tore down. It was enough to drive a person (and 2 doggies) mad. But now you can actually walk back there, and play, and we can plant a garden, and...oh, the possibilities! But there is still lots of work to do...bamboo that must DIE, an entire side yard of trash that must go, raking, more trash collection, garden digging, chicken pen creating, and killing of fleas and ants...the work is never done.
And, after all that loveliness...this morning, my car won't start. Not a click, not a beep, nothin'. The battery we just replaced 2 weeks ago is utterly and completely dead. Clint had to take my car to O'Rielly's to test the alternator (which was bad, and draining the battery), which means I had to miss my first day of my contracting gig and we got to spend MORE money on my car. Thank GOD for Google small business apps...I was actually able to work a bit from home!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Well, it is definitely flip-flop weather in Texas. While most of the country is still enjoying that blink of a season known as Spring (and some are actually still trying to get to that point), it is officially Summer here. I declare this because it is currently 91. The forecast for tomorrow is 95. I would like to remind you that it isn't even mid-May. It's going to be a beastly 5-6 months.
I would also like to remind you that, up until today, our house has been un-air conditioned. But-JOY OF JOYS-this morning we made a trip to The Home Depot and bought ourselves a couple of window units. Not ideal, that is unless you've ever come home with a cranky toddler to a 90 degree house at 4:00 in the afternoon... I'm sitting in the office right now, typing this, and it is like a little slice of heaven. With ice cream on top. Especially since it's 87 in the rest of the house! I foresee a salad for dinner...
Best Mother's Day Gift Ever! And also, the first time I think I've ever wanted to THANK G.W.
I would also like to remind you that, up until today, our house has been un-air conditioned. But-JOY OF JOYS-this morning we made a trip to The Home Depot and bought ourselves a couple of window units. Not ideal, that is unless you've ever come home with a cranky toddler to a 90 degree house at 4:00 in the afternoon... I'm sitting in the office right now, typing this, and it is like a little slice of heaven. With ice cream on top. Especially since it's 87 in the rest of the house! I foresee a salad for dinner...
Best Mother's Day Gift Ever! And also, the first time I think I've ever wanted to THANK G.W.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Day
Stimulus Money? CHECK
Contracting Gig? CHECK
Sunshine, fresh air, and hiking? CHECK, CHECK, CHECK
Contracting Gig? CHECK
Sunshine, fresh air, and hiking? CHECK, CHECK, CHECK
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
It's amazing, really, what creatures of habit we are... I have only been home during the day for 2 weeks, and we have fallen comfortably into a new daily routine. Max is waking later and knows that I should be at his school earlier to pick him up. He knows that we come home and see Papa during his lunch, and Clint has been coming home daily to see us. And even though I know that this won't last long, I get upset when the routine changes-like when Clint opts not to come home during his lunch. It's nice seeing so much of my boys during the day, and spending this brief moment of time together.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Not for Godot or even for Guffman...but for interviews & responses to resumes. For Jobs & checks. To find out what (if any) *extra* money we might have for things like air conditioning and house leveling and a bike (once considered a luxury item, now considered a necessity in able to afford GAS...). Anxious waiting punctuated by plotting and planning and wishin' and hopin' and prayin' and....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Come Out to Play?
It's really too pretty outside to sit around in my stuffy office sending out there anyone out there that can come out & play today? Pleeeeeeeease? I'll owe you a cup of coffee...or an ice cream sundae...or something else yummy-like. Oh, and I'll be your best friend. C'mon, coffee AND a best friend? That's a heck of a deal...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Is Someone Trying to Tell Us Something?
In the last 8 months, since we bought the house:
-Our house is broken into & tools stolen
-DPS announces a sex offender lives at our address
-Our house is vandalized
-Our gas meter is REMOVED
-The City harasses us about supposed building code violations (which we are not violating)
-The dogs (esp. Dynnah) refuse to stay in the backyard, and D almost gets maced by an APD officer
-Max takes a trip to the ER with a 103-106 fever
-Clint loses his job
-Clint gets multiple expensive tickets
-Lee County screws us over
-Flea infestation '08
-Alex loses her job
Alright...what next? C'mon, then...what else you got? Because I've decided that I'm done worrying & feeling sorry for us...We've got only opportunities, friends. And you know what else has happened since we moved in? This:
-DPS printed a retraction
-We met several neighbors who welcomed us to the neighborhood
-Clint built a beautiful fence
-Max is healthy and happy and growing and wonderful and beautiful and smart...
-We got a tax return that paid our bills while Clint was out of work
-We have an amazing support group of friends, family, church family, and a small group that lend us kind words, and support, and money, and any number of things
-Trish's step-dad refurbished a lawn mower for us for free
-Clint gets a new job with major opportunities to do something he is interested in...and good at
-Clint is chosen to submit artwork for a Stations of the Cross exhibit at our church, and also possibly for printing to place in a hotel (and possibly some extra $$)
-Clint and Max are spending some very special boy time together
-I am exploring some great opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise looked at
-I am getting severance and we will get our portion of the Economic stimulus that will, once again, pay the bills
It is often easy to lose sight of, in the midst of all the drama, but we are very, very blessed.
-Our house is broken into & tools stolen
-DPS announces a sex offender lives at our address
-Our house is vandalized
-Our gas meter is REMOVED
-The City harasses us about supposed building code violations (which we are not violating)
-The dogs (esp. Dynnah) refuse to stay in the backyard, and D almost gets maced by an APD officer
-Max takes a trip to the ER with a 103-106 fever
-Clint loses his job
-Clint gets multiple expensive tickets
-Lee County screws us over
-Flea infestation '08
-Alex loses her job
Alright...what next? C'mon, then...what else you got? Because I've decided that I'm done worrying & feeling sorry for us...We've got only opportunities, friends. And you know what else has happened since we moved in? This:
-DPS printed a retraction
-We met several neighbors who welcomed us to the neighborhood
-Clint built a beautiful fence
-Max is healthy and happy and growing and wonderful and beautiful and smart...
-We got a tax return that paid our bills while Clint was out of work
-We have an amazing support group of friends, family, church family, and a small group that lend us kind words, and support, and money, and any number of things
-Trish's step-dad refurbished a lawn mower for us for free
-Clint gets a new job with major opportunities to do something he is interested in...and good at
-Clint is chosen to submit artwork for a Stations of the Cross exhibit at our church, and also possibly for printing to place in a hotel (and possibly some extra $$)
-Clint and Max are spending some very special boy time together
-I am exploring some great opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise looked at
-I am getting severance and we will get our portion of the Economic stimulus that will, once again, pay the bills
It is often easy to lose sight of, in the midst of all the drama, but we are very, very blessed.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I'm thinking that I could really go for a cupcake right now. Or a slice of cake. Or any number of delightful desserts that I don't keep in the house for this very reason. Anyone feel like bringing me a cupcake? Anyone?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Boy and His Gun
So quite unfortunately, we have fleas in our house...I'm not sure if these are from our escape-artist dogs who all-too-often have spent a night indoors, or hold-overs from the previous residents. But they are certainly ferocious and seem to find my feet rather scrumptious. Therefore, we are tearing all the area rugs we have been using as carpeting out of the house (yes, you read that right-the house is currently being 'renovated' which is a laughingly positive euphemism for 'complete wreck.') And you know what? Area rugs are much easier to dispose of if your husband has not STAPLE GUNNED THEM TO THE FLOOR.
Monday, April 21, 2008
So tired...
Back from San Francisco and have some great stuff...but I have to find the energy to plug my camera in, first. Pathetic, I know.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Very Special Kind of Neurotic
Today, on my way home from work and picking Max up, I completely convinced myself that Clint was dead. That I would come home to his car in the driveway when he should be at work, and rush in to find him still in bed, dead. This after he did not answer his phone or return a single call or text message today. He had to be dead, right? Because if he knew he left his phone at home, he would have come home at lunch and gotten it...and then called me back. I pictured what he would look like, and the phone calls I would have to make and I made myself sick to my stomach with dread and horror. And then found that his car was, in fact, not in the driveway. Clint was nowhere to be seen. And his phone? That was lying in our bed, covered by a pile of clothes, and displaying 15 missed calls. I think only 11 of them were from me...
In my defense, if you knew your wife was this particular kind of nuts, wouldn't YOU call her from work to tell her you left your phone at home so she didn't work herself into an utter panic attack because she hadn't heard from you in the last 8 hours? I thought so.
In my defense, if you knew your wife was this particular kind of nuts, wouldn't YOU call her from work to tell her you left your phone at home so she didn't work herself into an utter panic attack because she hadn't heard from you in the last 8 hours? I thought so.
Monday, April 7, 2008
That my new-found addiction to sliced pepperoni is probably not helping any weight-loss efforts...Gross, I know. But I think they put crack in these things...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Time Flies
I was staring out the kitchen window this morning, watching it rain. I like the rain, as long as I don't have to go anywhere, but it tends to put me in a pretty contemplative mood. It's a nice, cool, day today-about 70-with overcast skies and a slight, but ever-so-steady rainfall. A good day to be curled up on the couch with a mug of tea and a good book...doubt I'll get to do much of that.
But this morning, staring out the window, I was thinking about how much more I appreciate the rain in central Texas than I did when we lived in Houston. It rains a lot in Houston...But that thought sent me down memory lane and I realized that it's been over 2 years since we moved to Houston, and a year and a half since we moved back to Austin. That blows my mind...
It's strange, but I'm still rather conflicted about that move. Houston is not the town for us, of that I am certain. We love Austin, with it's independently owned businesses and it's quirks and it's artists and hippies. But I had a good time in Houston. I miss terribly our friends there, and the times we had. It was nice not to have to make a trek to see Clint's family (though it was quite a trek to see mine), and I really loved my job.
But that 7 months was a pretty dark time in our marriage...Right after I accepted my job, Clint decided he didn't want to go through with the move. He suffered from a pretty deep depression that started before we even moved (actually influenced why we moved), and we fought constantly. He had a very hard time finding a job he liked (or a job, period). We never found a church where we felt at home at (largely because Clint was determined that we were returning to Austin, and did not want to get connected and then leave, again). He talks about our time there as if we were wrongly sentenced to purgatory.
But I am always one to make lemonade. It is not in my nature to dwell on the negatives. And so my memories are overwhelmingly filled with friends, and family, and Astros games and shopping and fun times. So, on rainy days, I remember Houston fondly, and I miss our good times there.
But this morning, staring out the window, I was thinking about how much more I appreciate the rain in central Texas than I did when we lived in Houston. It rains a lot in Houston...But that thought sent me down memory lane and I realized that it's been over 2 years since we moved to Houston, and a year and a half since we moved back to Austin. That blows my mind...
It's strange, but I'm still rather conflicted about that move. Houston is not the town for us, of that I am certain. We love Austin, with it's independently owned businesses and it's quirks and it's artists and hippies. But I had a good time in Houston. I miss terribly our friends there, and the times we had. It was nice not to have to make a trek to see Clint's family (though it was quite a trek to see mine), and I really loved my job.
But that 7 months was a pretty dark time in our marriage...Right after I accepted my job, Clint decided he didn't want to go through with the move. He suffered from a pretty deep depression that started before we even moved (actually influenced why we moved), and we fought constantly. He had a very hard time finding a job he liked (or a job, period). We never found a church where we felt at home at (largely because Clint was determined that we were returning to Austin, and did not want to get connected and then leave, again). He talks about our time there as if we were wrongly sentenced to purgatory.
But I am always one to make lemonade. It is not in my nature to dwell on the negatives. And so my memories are overwhelmingly filled with friends, and family, and Astros games and shopping and fun times. So, on rainy days, I remember Houston fondly, and I miss our good times there.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Goats as Lawnmowers?
I love Ideal Bite, but c'mon? Guys? This is the best alternative to a gas-powered lawnmower you could come up with? Somehow, I don't think many people are going to see goats as a practical method for mowing the lawn, no matter how effective they may be (and they are QUITE effective).
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My Positive Thought For The Day
(Image Thanks to A Beautiful Revolution)
I am desperately longing for the glorious end to a crappy week. And Clint's first paycheck. How was it that we got by when I didn't work for almost a year? Oh, that's right. We weren't making a SECOND MORTGAGE payment to a daycare center. I forgot. (Not that I'm complaining, Mom)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Like Heaven, On Earth
Ok, I have found my new favorite indulgence... Vosges Chocolate. A co-worker went to Grapevine Market today at lunch and purchased some. Seriously, go to this website and peruse. It is all odd combinations-and some, I'll admit, are not so appealing (seriously, bacon and chocolate? whatever made someone think of that?). BUT, and this is a big but, the few I've tried are AMAZING! My coworker's favorite is the Barcelona, but we also tried the Red Fire and Black Pearl (my personal fav-So Far!). Yeah, and we also tried Mo's Bacon Bar. And it was actually OK. Possibly one of the strangest food combinations to ever enter my mouth-but definitely edible. And look-you can get them in cute flying pig shaped bars!
In addition, they have treats both clever & beautiful:
Themed Truffle collections, such as Hip-Hop (which comes with champagne and is decorated with edible gold leaf) and Gatsby (based on the love story behind The Great Gatsby, the truffles are made with champagne and roses)! And mini cakes such as the Red Velvet Mini Party Cake!
Anyway, the chocolate bars are available at Grapevine Market and Whole Foods in Austin. If you aren't in Austin, check their site (linked, above) for locations. Seriously, do yourself a favor and splurge (and I do mean splurge-these things aren't cheap!) on one-they are so worth it!
In addition, they have treats both clever & beautiful:
Themed Truffle collections, such as Hip-Hop (which comes with champagne and is decorated with edible gold leaf) and Gatsby (based on the love story behind The Great Gatsby, the truffles are made with champagne and roses)! And mini cakes such as the Red Velvet Mini Party Cake!
Anyway, the chocolate bars are available at Grapevine Market and Whole Foods in Austin. If you aren't in Austin, check their site (linked, above) for locations. Seriously, do yourself a favor and splurge (and I do mean splurge-these things aren't cheap!) on one-they are so worth it!
I like My Neighbors...
But they are the loudest people on the face of the earth. For a long while, I thought they were constantly fighting with each other. But then I realized: no, they just use shouting and honking the car horn as a constant means of communication. I highly doubt they read this blog, but if they do...I like you, I really do. But my child is trying to sleep...
Monday, March 24, 2008
DPS is Run by Idiots, Part 1
Yes, I know...this is really installment 2 of this story, but it happened first, so it is part 1.
We bought a house in August. August 24th, 2007, was the day we signed the paperwork, to be exact. Clint did a Google search of our new address one day after the signing and discovered that it was the former residence of a registered sex offender (RSO). He immediately contacted the Austin Police Department to inform them that this was no longer the case, and filed a bunch of paperwork to prove it. Problem solved...
Yeah. Not quite. About a month later, 2 weeks before we were supposed to move in, we-and all of our neighbors-got a notice that a registered sex offender had moved into our address. Excuse me? Not just a registered sex offender, but one charged with indecency with a child. Niiice. Now all our new neighbors think my husband is a child molester. And they throw rocks at our glass storm door (there is still glass on my front porch and in my front slower bed that I can't get up).
Of course, we called APD, again, who told us that their information was correct and directed us to DPS, who is in charge of maintaining the RSO database and issuing the notices. Clint called DPS who quite clearly and not at all helpfully informed him "we don't print retractions." Which, of course was the wrong answer. DPS, in the future, when you screw up ROYALLY (and especially if my husband is involved), the Correct Answer is: Yes, we made a terrible mistake and I am sorry; how can we fix this problem?
So, Clint and I were in the process of trying to determine 'what now?' when my mother happens to mention to my aunt (who happens to be a lawyer) what has occurred. My aunt, like everyone else who has heard this story, was outraged on our behalf and offered to contact DPS, as our lawyer. That got step further up the food chain and several days of unreturned phone calls. DPS PR Lesson #2: You always return a lawyer's phone calls. My aunt, fed up, contacted a handful of local news stations and within, oh say, 45 minutes I had 4 voicemails and 6 emails.
It took exactly ONE reporter to contact DPS and they decided-hey, maybe we DO print retractions! It also took one reporter about half a day, tops, to determine that the sex offender who had previously owned our property had, in fact, moved out of the property back in MARCH when he got arrested. He was still in jail. See? And she wasn't even responsible for knowing where he was...
We bought a house in August. August 24th, 2007, was the day we signed the paperwork, to be exact. Clint did a Google search of our new address one day after the signing and discovered that it was the former residence of a registered sex offender (RSO). He immediately contacted the Austin Police Department to inform them that this was no longer the case, and filed a bunch of paperwork to prove it. Problem solved...
Yeah. Not quite. About a month later, 2 weeks before we were supposed to move in, we-and all of our neighbors-got a notice that a registered sex offender had moved into our address. Excuse me? Not just a registered sex offender, but one charged with indecency with a child. Niiice. Now all our new neighbors think my husband is a child molester. And they throw rocks at our glass storm door (there is still glass on my front porch and in my front slower bed that I can't get up).
Of course, we called APD, again, who told us that their information was correct and directed us to DPS, who is in charge of maintaining the RSO database and issuing the notices. Clint called DPS who quite clearly and not at all helpfully informed him "we don't print retractions." Which, of course was the wrong answer. DPS, in the future, when you screw up ROYALLY (and especially if my husband is involved), the Correct Answer is: Yes, we made a terrible mistake and I am sorry; how can we fix this problem?
So, Clint and I were in the process of trying to determine 'what now?' when my mother happens to mention to my aunt (who happens to be a lawyer) what has occurred. My aunt, like everyone else who has heard this story, was outraged on our behalf and offered to contact DPS, as our lawyer. That got step further up the food chain and several days of unreturned phone calls. DPS PR Lesson #2: You always return a lawyer's phone calls. My aunt, fed up, contacted a handful of local news stations and within, oh say, 45 minutes I had 4 voicemails and 6 emails.
It took exactly ONE reporter to contact DPS and they decided-hey, maybe we DO print retractions! It also took one reporter about half a day, tops, to determine that the sex offender who had previously owned our property had, in fact, moved out of the property back in MARCH when he got arrested. He was still in jail. See? And she wasn't even responsible for knowing where he was...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Why I Love Our Church
The description of our Easter service for this evening in Mosaic's email newsletter:
tonight's service will
be raucous.
it's easter,
how can it not be?
baby dedications
and a band
with a dozen or so
of some of the best
musicians in this
fair city of ours.
we're finished
with lent.
christ is risen.
let's party.
Words cannot describe how much I truly love these people-and how much I appreciate being back amongst them, even a year-and-a-half later. They don't sweat the small stuff, face head-on the tough stuff, totally get the 'love your neighbor' stuff, and they know how to celebrate. Tonight, we party! Happy Easter.
tonight's service will
be raucous.
it's easter,
how can it not be?
baby dedications
and a band
with a dozen or so
of some of the best
musicians in this
fair city of ours.
we're finished
with lent.
christ is risen.
let's party.
Words cannot describe how much I truly love these people-and how much I appreciate being back amongst them, even a year-and-a-half later. They don't sweat the small stuff, face head-on the tough stuff, totally get the 'love your neighbor' stuff, and they know how to celebrate. Tonight, we party! Happy Easter.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Why Texas DPS Can Suck It
Back in the middle of January, about a week after being FIRED (an entirely different, crazy story that I have not yet posted), Clint got pulled over in Lee county right outside of Giddings by a DPS officer (important later). I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say that he was planning on showing up for court, esp. since he had nothing better to do... His court date happened to be my birthday... Mama=Not Happy. But, by some miraculous happening, his court date got pushed off. Not once, not twice, but THREE times. The third time, he found out that he was not even being placed on the docket, as Lee County happened to have misplaced his paperwork. Hallelujah! Or so we thought.
Then, last Tuesday, we get a notice in the mail from DPS about the suspension of Clint's driver's license (meaning, most likely, a corresponding warrant for his arrest) for a failure to appear in court on...February 7th. What? This means that if Clint gets pulled over again, he goes to jail. For a while. I believe that his new job might not be understanding about that...
So Clint calls Lee County to try and figure out what the eff is going on...And (through a long process of too many questions and curse words) discovers that DPS has issued the warrant/suspension for failure to appear without notice from Lee County. See, the way this is supposed to work is that Lee County has to contact DPS and tell them that he didn't appear...Which they DIDN'T DO because he hadn't had a COURT DATE YET. DPS simply pulled the original court date off of Clint's ticket, since the case hadn't been resolved, yet, ASSUMING that he just hadn't shown up... Apparently in this case, assuming makes and ASS out of DPS and a CRIMINAL out of my husband. Nice trade off.
Though I haven't posted about the first time, yet, this is the second time in less than a year that DPS had tried to make a criminal out of a good person, that person being my husband, and excuse me if I take that A BIT PERSONALLY.
Then, last Tuesday, we get a notice in the mail from DPS about the suspension of Clint's driver's license (meaning, most likely, a corresponding warrant for his arrest) for a failure to appear in court on...February 7th. What? This means that if Clint gets pulled over again, he goes to jail. For a while. I believe that his new job might not be understanding about that...
So Clint calls Lee County to try and figure out what the eff is going on...And (through a long process of too many questions and curse words) discovers that DPS has issued the warrant/suspension for failure to appear without notice from Lee County. See, the way this is supposed to work is that Lee County has to contact DPS and tell them that he didn't appear...Which they DIDN'T DO because he hadn't had a COURT DATE YET. DPS simply pulled the original court date off of Clint's ticket, since the case hadn't been resolved, yet, ASSUMING that he just hadn't shown up... Apparently in this case, assuming makes and ASS out of DPS and a CRIMINAL out of my husband. Nice trade off.
Though I haven't posted about the first time, yet, this is the second time in less than a year that DPS had tried to make a criminal out of a good person, that person being my husband, and excuse me if I take that A BIT PERSONALLY.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yay! Spring!
So, it's not officially Spring, yet, according to the calendar. But all the trees here, in Central Texas, are putting out leaves and, it's Spring as far as I'm concerned. We've even hit the 90s already...this summer might be a doozy. We are going to have to get some A/C in this house, Stat!
Spring is my favorite time of year. It is absolutely beautiful outside in the Springtime here, and not so oppressively, unbearably hot. Seriously, Texas Summers can be absolutely demoralizing. But not Spring! Spring is beautiful greens and pinks, sunshine wonderful & blessed, cool breezes and glorious ever-so-slightly-clouded azure skies.
Spring is my favorite time of year. It is absolutely beautiful outside in the Springtime here, and not so oppressively, unbearably hot. Seriously, Texas Summers can be absolutely demoralizing. But not Spring! Spring is beautiful greens and pinks, sunshine wonderful & blessed, cool breezes and glorious ever-so-slightly-clouded azure skies.
But it is not just the weather that I treasure. Flowers are in full bloom-in trees, bushes, grasses, and gardens. The Farm had the tail end of the winter greens season-with spinach and kale and chard, and many more, but also the beginnings of summer veggies! There were snow peas, and garlic, and green onions. Leeks, and fennel, and even the very first of the strawberry crop! We didn't get our own garden this Spring (but definitely for the Fall!!!), but at least we are so close to Boggy Creek! I keep dreaming of summer veggies to come-from Boggy Creek and the farmers' markets, and the Mason gardens!
Max turns one this spring, less than a month from now. I am so excited about the possibilities the spring and summer hold for him, and for our family. All the 'firsts' out there-zoos and gardens and creeks and ponds and pools and oceans and ferries and Oh! The Possibilities!
And let's not forget that all-important first birthday cake...
And then, there is the start of baseball...14 Days and Counting until OPENING DAY at Minute Maid Park...Home of the Houston Astros. Oh, Baseball, How I Love Thee! Let me count the ways! This summer, Max and I are absolutely going to at least ONE Astro's game...I don't care if it kills me. The boy will love baseball whether he likes it or not...I'd consider buying a TV (which I haven't owned in almost 4 years) just to watch baseball. Are you starting to understand my love for this game? And why I might get so jazzed about Spring?
Max turns one this spring, less than a month from now. I am so excited about the possibilities the spring and summer hold for him, and for our family. All the 'firsts' out there-zoos and gardens and creeks and ponds and pools and oceans and ferries and Oh! The Possibilities!
And let's not forget that all-important first birthday cake...
And then, there is the start of baseball...14 Days and Counting until OPENING DAY at Minute Maid Park...Home of the Houston Astros. Oh, Baseball, How I Love Thee! Let me count the ways! This summer, Max and I are absolutely going to at least ONE Astro's game...I don't care if it kills me. The boy will love baseball whether he likes it or not...I'd consider buying a TV (which I haven't owned in almost 4 years) just to watch baseball. Are you starting to understand my love for this game? And why I might get so jazzed about Spring?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
What Happens in Vegas
So the last few weeks have been busybusy. I traveled to Las Vegas for work at the very end of February and wow...This was my first time in Vegas and it was even More Ridiculous than I had ever imagined. This place is beyond outrageous. It is a giant adult amusement park of debauchery. I kept mentioning things that blew me away to other people, including Clint, and the only response I ever received was, 'It's Vegas...' Like, Duh. Guess I'm more naive than I like to believe. Anyway, we stayed at the Venetian, and had problems with exactly all 3 of our room reservations. Honestly, I was hugely UNDER whelmed with the treatment of my group by the hotel staff. They were difficult to deal with on multiple occasions.
The Venetian itself was just...gilded. That's really the only word I can think of to describe it. Everything was huge, and overdone, and then gold-plated. The ceilings are painted fresco-style. The bathroom in my suite had a double-sink vanity, a separate make-up vanity, a huge tub, a separate shower, and a phone in the toilet. Really? A phone in the toilet? Because Americans are that ridiculous that we can't be away from the phone while we poop. Maybe having a phone in the toilet of a Roman-inspired hotel is appropriate.
The hotels in Vegas are so big and sprawling that there are signs everywhere to direct you to where you are going. And they, of course, encompass everything you could possibly need because Heaven Forbid you should decide to travel into the outside world and Leave THE CASINO. So, for instance, the Venetian has 19 restaurants- 11 fine dining and 8 casual dining, in addition to the room service, a spa, a wedding chapel, a gondola, a MALL, 2 museums (Madame Toussad's and The Guggenheim Hermitage), 3 different shows (Blue Man, Phantom, and Wayne Brady), a nightclub, 2 bars, and-of course-the casino. You don't even have to even leave the hotel and you can fill up a week's worth of activities.
But I think there were two instances that really hammered home the fact that Vegas is an alternate universe. The first happened as I wondered through the casino at the Venetian to find a coffee shop in the Canal Shoppes. At 9:30 on a Monday morning, I walked through the casino and there, standing in front of the escalators, was a man contemplating a Bud Light bottle. At 9:30 AM. On a MONDAY. He had obviously not slept. Maybe for several days.
The second happened in our last meeting just before we left the city. The convention was held at the Rio and several meetings we had took place at the I Bar, conveniently located in the lobby (I never located the front desk to, you know, check in; but the bar was right out front). Since most of our meetings took place during the day, this had been a relatively low-key (though far from empty) meeting spot. But this last meeting took place at 4:30 in the afternoon, a time that is after the cocktail waitresses go on duty. This meeting included our company's male CEO, who looked rather sheepish as a barely-clad waitress cruised by our table several times, asking if we needed drinks. Vegas is one of the few places where it is acceptable to have business meetings in places that essentially add up to nothing more than strip clubs, only because it is virtually impossible to avoid.
I have pictures, but Google's servers are not cooperating... :( I'll post them, soon.
The Venetian itself was just...gilded. That's really the only word I can think of to describe it. Everything was huge, and overdone, and then gold-plated. The ceilings are painted fresco-style. The bathroom in my suite had a double-sink vanity, a separate make-up vanity, a huge tub, a separate shower, and a phone in the toilet. Really? A phone in the toilet? Because Americans are that ridiculous that we can't be away from the phone while we poop. Maybe having a phone in the toilet of a Roman-inspired hotel is appropriate.
The hotels in Vegas are so big and sprawling that there are signs everywhere to direct you to where you are going. And they, of course, encompass everything you could possibly need because Heaven Forbid you should decide to travel into the outside world and Leave THE CASINO. So, for instance, the Venetian has 19 restaurants- 11 fine dining and 8 casual dining, in addition to the room service, a spa, a wedding chapel, a gondola, a MALL, 2 museums (Madame Toussad's and The Guggenheim Hermitage), 3 different shows (Blue Man, Phantom, and Wayne Brady), a nightclub, 2 bars, and-of course-the casino. You don't even have to even leave the hotel and you can fill up a week's worth of activities.
But I think there were two instances that really hammered home the fact that Vegas is an alternate universe. The first happened as I wondered through the casino at the Venetian to find a coffee shop in the Canal Shoppes. At 9:30 on a Monday morning, I walked through the casino and there, standing in front of the escalators, was a man contemplating a Bud Light bottle. At 9:30 AM. On a MONDAY. He had obviously not slept. Maybe for several days.
The second happened in our last meeting just before we left the city. The convention was held at the Rio and several meetings we had took place at the I Bar, conveniently located in the lobby (I never located the front desk to, you know, check in; but the bar was right out front). Since most of our meetings took place during the day, this had been a relatively low-key (though far from empty) meeting spot. But this last meeting took place at 4:30 in the afternoon, a time that is after the cocktail waitresses go on duty. This meeting included our company's male CEO, who looked rather sheepish as a barely-clad waitress cruised by our table several times, asking if we needed drinks. Vegas is one of the few places where it is acceptable to have business meetings in places that essentially add up to nothing more than strip clubs, only because it is virtually impossible to avoid.
I have pictures, but Google's servers are not cooperating... :( I'll post them, soon.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Smells like...::sniff, sniff::
I realized, while packing for Vegas, that I might as well be one giant, walking lavender plant. I must smell like one, anyway. Clint is very picky about scents. I mean, the guy doesn't even like vanilla scented things (unless they are actually edible). And I will save you from the less-than-lovely description that he applies to most scented products intended for female use. This is one of the main reasons that I don't wear makeup on a regular basis (other than, of course, sheer laziness), because he hates the way makeup smells (and he tells me that I'm purdy without it!).
Clint's scents of choice usually boil down to Nag Champa or Patchouli. And, though I have been called a hippy on more than one occasion, I prefer not to smell like one. But, BUT! He does like the scent of lavender. Hallelujah! And so, we have lavender scented body products. Boy, do we ever. We currently own: lavender shampoo and conditioner, lavender body wash, lavender body soap, lavender deodorant, lavender lotion, AND (this is purely by coincidence) my face cream is lavender scented. I happen to use everyone of those products on a daily basis. I'm thinking of opening a lavender farm to support our habit...
Clint's scents of choice usually boil down to Nag Champa or Patchouli. And, though I have been called a hippy on more than one occasion, I prefer not to smell like one. But, BUT! He does like the scent of lavender. Hallelujah! And so, we have lavender scented body products. Boy, do we ever. We currently own: lavender shampoo and conditioner, lavender body wash, lavender body soap, lavender deodorant, lavender lotion, AND (this is purely by coincidence) my face cream is lavender scented. I happen to use everyone of those products on a daily basis. I'm thinking of opening a lavender farm to support our habit...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
February 10
So, this month is crazy. Up and down. Today is coldandrainy. Mucho craziness ensued at work this week, which really shouldn't be discussed on a blog. Every time I think that my weeks cannot possibly get more insane, they do. But one of my favorite bloggers, Soulemama, posted her February 10-the 10 things that are making her February a little more joyful. I thought I'd do the same.
10. A multitude of birthday wishes...thank you, all!
9. A lovely birthday dinner. My honey made me lasagna from scratch. Even I haven't attempted that cooking feat. And it was so yummy. He even bought a bottle of wine. I think I'll keep him.
8. Shirt.Woot. These guys manage to make me smile, even on the roughest of days.
7. Beautiful prints from Alicia Bock. One day, when I have money again, I will buy one for everyone I know.
6. New books! I will be getting many new books in the mail, including a couple of wonderful cookbooks and Sublime Stitching!
5. The Creative Family! The new book by Soulemama. This doesn't really come out until April 1st, but now I know I have my very own pre-ordered copy thanks to the ever-thoughtful and eternally fabulous Kristin!
4. SXSW Interactive. Okay, again, this isn't until March. But, but! I have a badge! To go! Because work is awesome (if crazy).
3. Pedicure. OK. So, I didn't pay someone else to touch my feet. But I did take a blissful hour and a half while Max took his nap to pay some much-needed attention to my tootsies.
2. We got our tax return on Thursday. Happy Valentine's day! Just in time to pay bills...
1. My sweet boy can clap! And he's dancing, too!
Wishing you a bit of joy this February...
10. A multitude of birthday wishes...thank you, all!
9. A lovely birthday dinner. My honey made me lasagna from scratch. Even I haven't attempted that cooking feat. And it was so yummy. He even bought a bottle of wine. I think I'll keep him.
8. Shirt.Woot. These guys manage to make me smile, even on the roughest of days.
7. Beautiful prints from Alicia Bock. One day, when I have money again, I will buy one for everyone I know.
6. New books! I will be getting many new books in the mail, including a couple of wonderful cookbooks and Sublime Stitching!
5. The Creative Family! The new book by Soulemama. This doesn't really come out until April 1st, but now I know I have my very own pre-ordered copy thanks to the ever-thoughtful and eternally fabulous Kristin!
4. SXSW Interactive. Okay, again, this isn't until March. But, but! I have a badge! To go! Because work is awesome (if crazy).
3. Pedicure. OK. So, I didn't pay someone else to touch my feet. But I did take a blissful hour and a half while Max took his nap to pay some much-needed attention to my tootsies.
2. We got our tax return on Thursday. Happy Valentine's day! Just in time to pay bills...
1. My sweet boy can clap! And he's dancing, too!
Wishing you a bit of joy this February...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Why I Love NPR
This story about audiological hallucinations brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'music inside.'
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Craziness Ensues
Life has been crazy. In fact, life has been so crazy that I set up this blog about the craziness of my life months ago, and haven't posted anything on it, yet. There has been such craziness, that I can't even post about it here, to protect the crazies. But I will start chronicling the insanity, and even recording the historical insanity, so that I don't forget...
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